She made it. She made sure it got out (in a big way). She
brought people’s prying eyes to a tape about what’s going on in Syria.
However you feel about the Syria situation, it's just totally not the
point. With all the shit online, all the losers flaunting their
whatever, acting like complete idiots, and humiliating themselves, here
is a woman who used social media to her advantage and brought something
out into the open that many (yes, many) people didn't even know
was happening. This cool chick made hundreds, maybe thousands, of people
aware of the situation. Don't underestimate the amount of people who
have no idea what is going on outside of celebrity sex tapes and
pathetic little girls who try to make up for their lack of talent by
getting naked online. Alyssa made a pretty cool statement about where
our priorities are in this country. I say, “You GO girl!”
At least she's using her brain, not a foam finger or wrecking ball.
At least she's using her brain, not a foam finger or wrecking ball.