And no screaming kid of mine would ever get a toy, treat, or anything but a “mommy glare”. Sometimes
they would even earn a whispered threat of some sort which is much cooler (for
me) and scarier (for them). It’s so fun. Something
as simple as “Knock it off.” Or “Enough.” Or “I. Said. Stop.” whispered softly
wicked close to your kid is scary and hilarious. You should try it.
Besides getting giggles and warm fuzzies from the whispering thing, you get kids who actually
(eventually) stop doing these things. Most of the time. They know that when
they have a major meltdown, they will not get what they want. Some kids take
longer to learn this than others but stick with it. They’ll get it. If your kids ask and you say “No” then they cry and you cave and give them what they asked for,
well… Hey, I’d cry, too. It works.
The only downside is, if you’re not the cave mom, then you get to be the mean mom
who everyone says is a bitch. But that’s okay. Because there will be that
moment when you hear those words: “I wish my kids would behave as well as
yours.” And there it is. Although, really, I didn’t do it for you. I didn’t do it for your
approval. I did it for me. I did it for my kids.
Seriously, don’t cave. Be the mom in this article. You’ll be a happier person for it. So will your kids.
Seriously, don’t cave. Be the mom in this article. You’ll be a happier person for it. So will your kids.